Not only was land taken to construct the Naval Base and housing for personnel, but there was also 67 acres taken in Dunville to be used for recreational purposes. What was known as the recreation camp, the Northeast Arm, had been constructed to give peace of mind to the personnel during their off time.
There were more than a dozen cottages located on the property. Activities included boating, water sports of all kinds, cookouts and all sorts of recreation you would find in a summer camp. Former Mayor of Placentia, Bill Hogan, said he had an agreement with the Captain of the Naval Base that should the Americans ever give up the Northeast Arm, it would become the property of the Dunville Town Council. After the Americans left Newfoundland and Labrador, Hogan fought to have the land transferred during the many years when he was Mayor, and knew it was going to be an uphill battle. He even wrote to the office of the President of the United States but it was never acknowledged up to that point in 2015.
I am not sure if the land ever got transferred back to Newfoundland and Labrador. There is still a sign on the land that reads “US Govt Property, No Trespassing only authorized Personnel”.
Is the reason the land hasn’t been transferred back to the Town of Placentia because there are secrets hidden there? Was there toxic waste dumped on this beautiful property? I have been up there myself and there are still abandoned cabins and office buildings on the property. It doesn’t look like it has been transferred back yet from what I could see.
I found a booklet and license on the floor of one of the abandoned buildings that I still have with my Argentia materials for a keep sake:
If anyone has any memories or information to share, please send me a message or comment below.